This website is for you that is searching for a job and a place to live. You can find information about different leisure activities, apartments and jobs. Also other information as healtcare and child care in the rural area.
Founding of the Establishment
During the years 2011-2014, AKMC (“Akutkatastrofmedicinskt Centrum”/Emergency Catastrophe Center) and Centre for Rural Medicine partook in an EU project called Recruit & Retain. Recruit & Retain is an international cooperation with partners in Greenland, Scottland, Iceland, Canada, Norway and Ireland. The project revolved around recruitment and how one can attract and keep workers, in both healthcare and other rural work positions alike. Results of this initiative were an evidence based set of methods that could contribute to the long term sustainability of competence in rural areas. One of the most important products of this meeting was the base of this webpage.
This website is owned and operated by Center for Rural Medicine. Partners include the Västerbotten County Council, the eight municipalities in the rual area Storuman, Vilhelmina, Sorsele, Norsjö, Malå, Dorotea, Åsele och Arjeplog.
This website is in construction and an ongoing process.