Start and Manage a Company
If you’re more interested in running your own company, you can recieve help in Storuman and Vilhelmina from “näringslivskontoret” (Business Management Office), you can also get help from “utvecklingsenheten” (The Development Unit). The ambition in Norrland is to give companies and company owners the best service possible, whether you want to start a company, develop your company, or have an idea about new initiatives within our Muncipalities.
Turn to the Business Management Office in our municipalities when you need information, advice, inspiration, or access to a local network for experience building and bussiness contacts. Here you will find a large contact netork, within but not limited to the County Council, Almi, Region Västerbotten, various financers and local municipalities that they gladly share information about.
Trends and Prognosis
According to SCB’s examination of educational groups expected to be underparticipated in by year 2035, Health and Care Education, and gymnaisal are ranked highest. Subsequent is Gymnasial Engineering and Industry Development. If any of these interest you, finding a suitable education can contribute greatly to your chances of finding a job in the future.